Inertia Technology 101

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Inertia Technology is a company that specializes in developing and implementing cutting-edge technological solutions for businesses of all sizes. The point of the system is to provide businesses with advanced tools and resources that enable them to operate more efficiently, increase productivity, and ultimately drive growth and profitability.


The first thing that you will see as a logged on user is your Dashboard. This is the starting point for how you navigate the system. Much of the functionality that you will use is available from their like:

Manage IMS Documents

This page contains a comprehensive list of all the documents required across your organization.

Click the Manage IMS Documents page for more information.


The Sites allow you to group sites under the same legal framework. This page shows a list of entities in your organization along with their information, such as site name and address.

Click the Sites page for more information.


This page provides a comprehensive list of your organization's suppliers, including their names and addresses

Click the Suppliers page for more information.


This page provides a list of all the personnel and contractors that your organization needs records to meet your Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) obligations. It displays their names and email addresses.

Click the Personnel page for more information.


The Training Page is where you can access the list of training programs available within your organization. You can view the codes of the training qualifications, whether they are certified or not, and who certified them. The Course Library is where you can add new courses and units/modules.

  • Note that courses and qualifications can be a combination of formal/externally recognized training (certified) and internal training/inductions (not certified). Each course/qualification may have one or more units/modules, as some modules are shared among similar courses/qualifications. For example, BSBWHS412 is included in both the Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety and the Certificate IV in Public Safety (Emergency Communications Centre Operations), among other qualifications.


This page provides a comprehensive list of actions logged by sites in your company. You can see the action ID, status, site, description, and priority level of each action on this page.

Navigate the Action Page

  • Add a new action: To add a new action, select the site from the drop-down menu, provide a brief description, assign the action to the appropriate personnel, select the action type, and set the priority level and required date. Provide a detailed action description, and then click the "Save" button.
  • View assigned actions: To view an action assigned to you, search for it using the "Find Action" box on the top right corner of the page. Enter the action ID number, and the system will display the relevant action details.
  • View action details: Click on the action ID to access the home page of the action. Here, you can view the action details, including any documents that have been uploaded, such as images, reports, or other relevant files.
  • Manage corrective and preventive actions: Use the "Manage" tab on the action home page to provide immediate corrective and preventive actions. This may include detailed steps to resolve the issue, as well as any additional measures that should be taken to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.
  • Related actions: Use the "Related Actions" tab to link actions related to the current action. This is useful for tracking related actions and ensuring that all relevant issues are resolved.
  • Close actions: Once an action has been resolved, use the "Close" tab to close the action. Note that only selected reviewers can close the action. Once an action is closed, it is removed from the list of open actions.
  • By following this procedure, you can use the Action Page to manage actions effectively, ensuring that all issues are resolved in a timely and organized manner.

Activity Log

The activity log provides valuable insights into changes made to your organization's data, including personnel information, training records, supplier details, and more

Click the Activity Log page for more information.

Risk Register

The Risk Register is the list of the possible risk that can occur on the site

Navigate the Risk Register Page

  • View risk list: Each risk will be displayed with the activity, activity/hazard descriptor, score controls, score reviews, and referenced document/monitoring method.
  • Add a new risk: To add a new risk to the register, click on the "Add Risk" button. This will take you to a page where you can fill out all the necessary information about the risk, including the activity, hazard descriptor, controls, reviews, and referenced document/monitoring method. click the "Save Changes" button to add the new risk to the register.
  • Set the Risk Matrix: You can also use the "Manage Risk Matrix" tab to set up the Risk Matrix, which is a tool used to assess the likelihood and consequence of each risk.
  • Manage hazards: You can use the "Manage Hazards" tab to view and manage all hazards associated with each activity on the site.
  • Manage controls: You can use the "Manage Controls" tab to view and manage all controls put in place to mitigate the risks.

Incident Register

The Incident Register is a comprehensive list of all incidents that happened in your company

Navigate the Incident Register Page

  • View incident list: On the Incident Register page, you will see a list of all the incidents that have occurred in your company. Each incident will be displayed with the date, Incident Details, and site location.
  • Add a new incident: To add a new incident to the register, click on the "Add Incident" button. This will take you to a page where you can fill out all the necessary information about the incident, including the date, time, type, location, assigned person, reviewer, and details of the incident.
  • Add injured persons and witnesses: You can also use the "People" tab to add the names of any injured persons or witnesses to the incident.
  • Log assets, notes, and documents: You can use the "Assets," "Notes," and "Documents" tabs to log any assets involved in the incident, add any additional notes, or upload any relevant documents.
  • Log assets, notes, and documents: You can use the "Assets," "Notes," and "Documents" tabs to log any assets involved in the incident, add any additional notes, or upload any relevant documents.
  • Close out the incident: Once the incident has been resolved, you can use the "Close Out" tab to mark the incident as closed.

Assest Register

The Asset Register is a comprehensive list of all the assets that your company owns.

Navigate the Asset Register Page

  • View asset list: On the Asset Register page, you will see a list of all the assets that your company owns. Each asset will be displayed with an image, QR code, and name.
  • Click on asset name: To view more detailed information about a specific asset, simply click on its name, and you will be directed to a page with a complete breakdown of its features.
  • Add notes or upload documents: On the asset details page, you can add notes or upload documents related to that asset
  • Log calibrations, test and tag results, service and maintenance records, and user forms: On the asset details page, you can also log calibrations, test and tag results, service and maintenance records, and user forms related to that asset. This will help you keep track of maintenance and repair needs and optimize usage.
  • Add new asset: To add a new asset to the register, click on the "Add Asset" button. Select the appropriate category, add the name of the asset, and click "Add Asset."

Check out the Dashboard page for more information.