Custom Forms

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We use a form builder external to the system. This means that we can create a library that can be used across clients and manage it centrally.

Reserved Form Elements (Names)

These are reserved as they trigger functionality with in the InTech system.

  • Follow Up | follow_up [Yes, No] - by selecting 'Yes' an action will be added:
    • This is a way of having a form submission being referred to supervisors and managers by staff selecting 'Yes'
    • If the "reports to" is completed then the action is put against that user
    • Else if the "alternative reports to" is completed then the action is put against that user
    • Else the action is put against the logged on user.
    • Note: An email with a link is sent to (which ever is completed) Reports To, Alternative Reports To and and Notify Users <--- all of these are against the personnel record

  • Site | site_id | "Select" [no options are needed] - This is picked up by the system to create a searchable look up for site names.
  • User | user_id | "Select" [no options are needed] - This is picked up by the system to create a searchable look up for personnel names.

  • NOTE: The field names that contain user_id or site_id will cause look ups to replace the number #ID with the name of the person or site.
    • Best practice: Only use site_id or user_id once and only once in a form.