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We are always proud to show our platform to people and understand that we need to ensue your valuable time is appropriately allocated.

Initial Qualification Discussion (15-30 minutes)

During this call we will get to know your business and needs. We need to do this to help you get the most out of a demonstration

  • We can set up records that use the language of your industry/business
  • If you are a single entity business we have a different approach than to a multi entity/site/project business
  • We can understand the areas of importance that you want to focus on during the demonstration

Web Demonstration (1 - 1.5 Hours)

  • The duration can change depending on the participants, their questions and the nature of their needs
  • Requirements:
    • Reliable internet access that supports video conferencing
      • Some users choose to turn off their video / sound if they are on a low bandwidth connection
    • A modern web browser
      • Access to Google Meet (Our preferred)
      • We have tools like Teams and Zoom if required (but any modern browser will support teams)
    • A headset is preferred but most laptop speakers will work fine

Some web based demonstrations involve guests at remote sites whilst other clients choose to have their team in the same meeting room. The only consideration is that every connection is capable for video conferencing.

Demonstration Format

  • 5 minutes - Introduction to the company and the platform
  • 5 minutes - The 3 portals & high level application flow
    • HSEQ / "Manager" Portal - Where the core HSEQ team will log into
    • User Portal - Where members of staff will log into to record information, incidents, inductions, process actions, etc.
    • Auditor Portal - the place where the Auditor will lo into
    • Flow
      • Bringing up records, reports and lists. Filtering onscreen data.
      • Exporting onscreen data
      • Paging (scrolling) through search results
      • Record hierarchy - ("Entities" have "Sites", "Assets" are located on "Sites", etc)
    • Configuration - A comment about custom fields, labels and templates.
  • 10-20 minutes - Record walk through - showcasing the data that we store for you (personnel, sites, assets). This can be structured or custom data.
  • 15-30 minutes - Feature walk through
    • Setting up a risk register and how that works
    • Managing documentation within the system
    • Actions
    • Incident Reporting
    • Investigations
  • 5-10 minutes - Advanced and new features (as required)
  • 5 minutes+ Q&A - We run through your questions and answer them. If further follow up is required we document them and get back to you

In Person Demonstrations

Our team members are often travelling to parts of the region and in some cases an in person demonstration is suitable. Whilst we are predominantly a web based business we do welcome a first hand exposure to our clients and their businesses. Given the logistics of an in person visit it would be assumed that a more detailed session is desired and would take between 2-3 hours.

Scoping Meeting

Project scoping is undertaken for all sizes of customer. Larger businesses have more stakeholders and complex roll outs. This requires scoping which is typically done on site in 1/2-1 day sessions. For visits outside south east Queensland scoping, travel and accommodation charges will apply.

Enterprise Project Management

For Enterprise customers there is often a need for weekly stakeholder meetings for the duration of the roll out. These will be included in the project plan and charges.