
From Inertia Technology Knowledge Base
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About Inertia

Inertia Technology is a company that specializes in developing and implementing cutting-edge technological solutions for businesses of all sizes. The point of the system is to provide businesses with advanced tools and resources that enable them to operate more efficiently, increase productivity, and ultimately drive growth and profitability.

About the Application

With the Inertia Technology app, organisations can centralize and automate their HSEQ management systems, enabling real-time tracking, monitoring, and reporting of crucial safety and quality data. The software provides a user-friendly interface that allows users at all levels of the organisation to easily access and contribute to the HSEQ framework.

Core Concepts


The system has 3 portals. Each is a window into the database and serves specific user groups.

  • External Portal (User Portal)
    • This is for most staff, contractors and visitors to your business.
    • This provides access to things like:
      • Your personal records
      • Tools like incident reporting and documentation
      • Forms and checklists
      • Training outcomes
  • Internal Portal (HSEQ Portal)
    • This is for the HSEQ team and Senior Management to have access over all aspects of the system beyond the day to day activities provided by the External Portal
  • Auditor Portal
    • This is a special portal where audit reports are published to external auditors along with supporting data

Access and Permissions

  • The system uses a number of ways to ensure people have access to what they need and only what they are authorised for.
  • There are 3 portals and a user can be a member of none, one, two or all three of them. This means that the tools available to them are locked to the portal that they are using
  • There are 11 levels of access from zero (no access) to 10 (system wide access for IT support personnel). This means things like documents and records can be blocked from access for users who are not authorised to review them
  • Sites are a big part of Inertia Technology. A site could mean a building, a work site, a shed or shop, a production line, a floor or department. It is just a logical division that allows you to administer specifics to that site (eg: documentation, notes, files, pesonnel, etc) without blurring the line between other sites. This means that users can be locked to sites or a list of sites (or have access to all sites) which limits what they can have access to.