Reset Password

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Inertia Technology uses encrypted passwords. There is no user or support staff member who can read your password in plain text. They cannot be recovered but they can be reset


Reset Via Manager Portal

Use Case

  • You don't have access to the HSEQ/Manager Portal but a colleague does and is authorised to reset passwords


  • They log into the HSEQ/Manager Portal
  • They locate your record under "Personnel"
  • At the bottom of the edit screen is a new password form and advise you what it has been set to
    • This is not ideal as the user name and password is known by multiple people and should be reset upon the next log on.

Reset via Link

Use Case

  • You have access to the system and can't log on


  • Go to the login form
  • Click the link that reads "Forgot your password?"
  • Follow the instructions and a reset link will be sent to you
  • Once complete you will be able to log in.