Training Terms, a guide to this guide

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  • This is not a static document / resource
  • As new features or better explanations are encountered then this document will expand
  • Any support response that is answered by a page on this resource will be sent with or as the response. This means quicker responses for users and consistent use and understanding of the system.

Language & Terms

  • HSEQ / OH&S / WHS / etc.
    • Where possible we will use language used in legislation, regulations or best practice. Because these are fundamental across all of our clients these are not things that will be customised.
  • Your business language
    • There is a labelling system across many aspects of InTech - we don't mind if you call something "Note: General" or "General Note" - these are for your people to understand.
    • There are special types of labels that have functionality so you cannot change them.
    • We only support the default and system labels because we cannot coach you on a screen that is not documented. Best practice: Use our labels and have us update them system wide as needed. Only under significant exceptions should you change a label but adding more is relatively benign
  • Technology
    • There are different levels of technology awareness between users
    • There are different user types, systems and set ups
    • When we deliver training we use the generic name for things:
      • "Operating System": means Windows, Mac, IOS, Android, Linux, etc
      • "Web Browser": means Chrome, FireFox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc
      • "Word Processor": means Microsoft Word, Office 365, Gsuite Google Docs, Open Office Writer, etc.
      • Helping users feel comfortable with these generic terms means that we can deliver consistent and relevant support

This Documentation is the "Source of Truth"

  • This documentation is considered the only supported documentation for the system.
  • We advise users NOT TO write their own manuals as they are unsupported because they are beyond our control
  • If you find something absent from this documentation please report it using the help link under the User drop down in the system (top right) so we can advise the location or update the documentation as required.